O U T F I T - D E T A I L SLBD- Express {wearing 6} (runs tts)Love This and This one!BOOTIES- Super old but similar Here and HerePAPERBOY HAT- Nordstrom
It's the 3rd Monday of the month and more specifically it's MLK day. Which means there are sales going on every where!! I, myself like the next person loves me a good sale! I especially love taking advantage of sales for items that will not be an every day or regularly worn item. I get more bang for my buck since I won't get a ton of use out of an item that
isn't quite a
staple. Now if
it's one
thing every woman needs in her
wardrobe it's a little black dress
. This staple piece is
literally a
universal clothing item perfect
for weddings,
date nights (especially since
Valentine's Day is coming up) and
every type of
special occasion. I love the lace detailing and the puff sleeve is
to die for

Now moving into t
he foundation! This
Gucci natural finish fluid foundation goes on soo nice and smooth and offers medium
coverage that you can build on. I love it because
I haven't been wearing heavy makeup lately since being at home more so
it's so nice
to have a lil something that
isn't so
heavy and offers nice coverage
. I
did notice
that it does have a very light
scent (not bad) to it
that I actually like
. Kind
of smells like one of their lite
perfumes to me! I also like that
it's non
greasy, wears
very well all day and is available in an array of shades
ranging from super light
to super dark. I've worn it now a
couple of
times and it is for
sure a
foundation that I'm keeping in my
rotation!P.s a
little update regarding my posting schedule here
. One of my goals for
my blog
is to post more often
. So I will be
slowly incorporating 5
blog posts a week/1 x daily
. Now
I know life
gets in the way so
that's why I said
slowly haha
. Regardless of all 5
posts I will most
definitely be posting at least my 3
weekly post as usual
. Thank
you guys for
being here
. And if you have any
suggestions to offer you can always
contact me or
comment.Until next time,Tiara's up,