1 thing every woman/wife & mother needs right NOW!
Hey Queens! Hope this week has been productive and above all I hope you all have been staying safe.Its that time again! If you are new here, I get asked a lot how I stay organized, motivated and on task and if you follow me on Instagram you know I have shared bunches of times my love and passion for Passion Planner! .If you are a mom, student, wife, every day working girl or bossbabe in general then you feel me when I say we HAVE to write every single thing down because we have so much to do that cannot be left undone. So because of that I am a super avid calendar user. And now being a blogger and working with different brands, creating content that needs to be published on certain days and timelines, I definitely need to make sure EVERYTHING is well planned and written out. So I don’t miss anything.Here are some of my calendars I’ve used over the years & YES! I keep them ALL!...I started planning & keeping a calendar back in high school. I was homeschooled & I took a lot of extra college courses early which I was solely responsible to stay on task for, so that’s where the planning & calendar keeping came in. And like I said, I literally keep all of my calendars! They are like my diaries and each day I write something exciting that may have happened like: I went here or did this with my mom. Did this with Hubby, took the kids to Disney. Something to just remind me of what I was doing, feeling, or going through on that day.Before I would just go to like target or hobby lobby and pick up just any calendar to write down my schedule for work, for school and it worked ok BUT as I started to become a grown woman, got married, had a child, ran a business. That schedule started changing or I should say growing, LOL. I realized I needed something more then a small piece of paper with dates where you can “jot” down a few things. I remember talking to a friend about it (hey Devin) and she recommended passion planner to me and I have been using one ever since! This is the 6th year in a row now that I’ve been using passion planner and I absolutely love it! They are amazing because they have a small, medium and a large option so you use whichever one suits your lifestyle. They even have a whole planner dedicated to just students and planning their education schedule that starts and ends according to the school academic year which is awesome, my dolly has one and loves hers.What I like most about passion planner is every single month they have this space where you can do like a monthly reflection and it asks you questions like how are you different between this past month and the month before and what or who are you especially grateful for this past month? Which are great self reflection questions. PLUS you have access to FREE online downloads of inserts for your planner in full PDFs to track goals, habits and more!They also have the space of infinite possibility where you can put whatever you want, I like to do quotes just to keep it cute and girly. And I saved the best for last... the best thing about them is that when you buy one, you not only invest in yourself but you give one as well, which empowers another thru schools, organizations and individuals! I highly highly recommend passion planner. I absolutely LOOVE mine. What’s that saying? Failing to plan is like planning to fail! You’ve got a goal you wanna crush, a dream you want to make a reality, a business you want to start? Or a crazy busy life that you need help keeping organized? Then this planner will help you plan your passion and execute your vision! I have an exclusive discount code just for you guys that will get you 10% off your order by using my code:Blamejusttiff when you click HERE Thanks for stopping by guys, happy planning!