5 Reasons You Shouldn't Wait Till The New Year to make a New Years resolution

I'm not a fan of New Year's resolutions. Those new year/new me mantras only serve to make us feel bad about ourselves. It's not that I'm anti-goal setting—I'm just anti-regret setting. We've all seen how this works: You make a resolution, but you don't keep it, and then you beat yourself up for it. Then you try again the next year, to do better. The cycle repeats itself until you give up on the idea of change altogether. Why do we let this happen? It's not like New Year's Day is some kind of magic day of transformation (especially when we don't even have time to change our clocks). Why wait till tomorrow to be the person we want to be today? Here are seven reasons why you shouldn't wait till the new year to make your resolutions:#1-If you wait till New Year's,(THATS 10 WHOLE DAYS) it'll give you an infinite number of reasons to procrastinate. Procrastination is one of the biggest leading causes of goal set backs and why people never start executing their goals. If you really want to "change" for the better then you will start NOW to put goals and plans in motion. #2- Everyone who has ever started a diet/exercise program in January says the same thing. “This year will be different”. But How do you explain that? Start small if you have to. Don't wait till the New Year to get results and tell yourself it's going to be different this time. #3-Resolutions don't happen overnight. You have to work hard over time and persist through setbacks. You're more likely to stick with your goals if they're close.... like right now close! #4-If you take action right NOW, you can get a jump start before January 1st. This way, you'll avoid some common pitfalls that trip up a lot of people. #5-Lastly, I know its holiday season and there are soooo many festivities to be had and enjoyed. Many believe that by participating in these festivities it will hinder or off set their goals. I on the other hand love to ask: What? you don't know how to be balanced and enjoy food and drink without going over board? Because if the answer to that is no then you should seriously ask yourself what about today and during holiday season that prevents you from showing a balance of self control will change after January 1st? Typically the one in control of that is and always will be YOU!Making a new years resolutions might be an old tradition but that doesn't mean it's a right one. There are plenty of benefits to making an action plan on your own, outside of a calendar year. If you feel like the new year is an arbitrary deadline, maybe you should consider making your change now. If you have the determination and willpower to build positive habits now, there's no reason to wait until the beginning of a new year. So If you’re ready to make small goals into habits and rituals that will guarantee success, then check out my FREE 7 day challenge. It’s the perfect way to execute your and meet your goals and will be a game changer for sure.This challenge is exactly what you need to keep your goals on track. It is a series of 7 daily notifications  that will remind you of the things that you want to achieve and are working on and keep you accountable for your performance. Start today by filling out the form linked HERE!!  


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