How to win this week and every single day...

We all have the same 24 hours in a day. We also have the same opportunities to make decisions that either put us ahead of our goals or delay us. Life should be a never ending wheel of self-enrichment. Unless you are perfect then you will never have anything to work on. No one is, so we can work on something  every single day. As mothers and extremely driven women I know that it can be extremely difficult at times to set aside time for ourselves with everything that we have to do. But I can not stress enough how important it is that we set aside time for ourselves to expand our knowledge, enrich our health, feed our soul and relax.

To win the week, you have to be ruthless with your time. Which means not waiting till the last minute. Scheduling in time for things that are going to make the biggest impact in the long run. You can't do everything, unless you want to burn out much faster than you want. The only thing that should be on your agenda this week is your self-care. That's right, it's time to remember that you're the most important person in your life.

Every day when you wake up, ask yourself: What did I plan to do today and what did I say no to? Is there a way I can rework my schedule so I can actually do all the things that matter most to me? Don't worry about what others expect or want you to do. If something or someone is going to bring down your vibe, let it go!

I'm not saying you shouldn't do anything, just don't over commit. Stick to what you really want and need to get done and stay away from things that take away the time and energy that could be used to better your mind and body!

There's no such thing as a perfect day. But if we start becoming more aware of our decisions and how they affect us, we'll be more equipped to make better choices and make our weeks strong.

I always find it extremely helpful to keep a detailed planner. There is a saying.. "Failure to plan is failing to plan." And I can not tell you how true that is. When I keep a calendar I am able to see all of my tasks on a daily basis and plan accordingly. It also keeps me prompt because I know how much time I need to be spending on each task because I already delegated it during the planning process period. Something has to be said for planning ahead and anticipating for unexpected things that may come up. It doesn't mean that everything will go exactly according to plan, it just means that you are facing the day 100% and completely prepared. I am able to participate in my weekly selfcare because I schedule out time appropriately. If you are a busy mom or working mom, career driven woman or just the ambitious woman, you will need to keep a calendar. Ive kept a calendar since I was 15/16 years old. Being homeschooled it was very necessary to do so and it proved to be extremely helpful. I wrote a full blog post about 1 year ago regarding this one thing that I firmly believe every bossbabe needs here.I now make my own personal  and 100% customizable planners. I have mine made to fit inside a 3-ring binder because it reminds me of school lol  but it can be bound in numerous ways….

Starting today!!!! Make a commitment to plan out your schedule on a weekly basis and that is how you win your week and every single day. You will also see just how much smoother and easier your life becomes on a daily basis.What are some things that you do every day to make sure you win your week? Let me know in a comment below. And If you are interested in one of my custom planners shoot me an email and let me know. 


Why YOU as a mom absolutely need to put your needs FIRST!


Welcome! || Quick tip in optimizing your self-care even w/ little time