Ipsy Unboxing: February
Happy Monday loves. I hope you are off to a great start to your week! If you follow me on Instagram then you know that Unfortunately I am writing this blog post from my in-laws home in Tecate, Mexico for the funeral of my hubby's grandmother. It's always so tough to lose a loved one in death and even tho I have personally lost so many of my loved ones in death it never gets any easier. I do appreciate all of you who reached out via DM, text and email with all your sweet and beautiful condolences. We appreciate it so so much.Anywho, today I want to talk about allll the amazing goodies that I received from Ipsy this month!! If you have never heard of Ipsy and don't know what I'm talking about check out this blog post Here. Today I will be highlighting all my fave products that I am just dying to try. So lets begin shall we?!!!
I cant wait to try this!! Now if you follow me on Instagram @thisdollhere you know I looove me a Billie razor! It has the cleanest and closest shave I have ever had so it will be nice to have another option on hand. I will definitely report back with my thoughts.

I really love Ipsy and their monthly glam bags! Its such a great way to try the most popular and high end brands without paying that popular and high end price! If you haven't gotten a chance to check them out. I highly highly recommend. You will not regret it!Until next time,Tiara's up,