Sephora Haul: July 2021

June Sephora Faves || What I’ve been loving

5 steps to having silky smooth legs

My Favorite Travel Products || Makeup Edition

Reviewing Tarte Cosmetics new Hydroflex Serum Foundation | SO gorgeous!

June Sephora haul
![Introducing Fenty’s new blurring skin tint [Review]](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/639a2284d2635b2c6d5a8012/1671672299859-X3N0JKT8T8EF4MCZXMED/image-asset.jpeg)
Introducing Fenty’s new blurring skin tint [Review]

February Sephora Faves || March Sephora Haul

Ipsy Unboxing: February

My Holy Grail: Makeup Edition

January Sephora faves || February Sephora haul
Ipsy unboxing: January

Winter Skincare Routine ||Review: Maelove

January Sephora haul

My FINAL Sephora favorites of 2020: December {what I’ve been loving}

Review: Athena Club

December Sephora Haul || Gift guide/ideas for the beauty lover!

Sephora favorites: November {what I’ve been loving}

Bombas review || Holiday gift guide idea: the gift that keeps giving!