Review: Athena Club

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Happy new week y'all! We have less then 3 weeks left in this year and I don't know about you but after 2020 I want to go into 2021 healthier, smarter and more environmentally health conscious as well. I mean, if you think about it one of the things that aided the spread of Covid-19 was lack of good personal hygiene, people not washing their hands properly and bad health problems due to lack of proper diet and exercise. I mean the list could go on! In addition to that, thanks to my amazing daughter (who is super into sustainability) I am learning to do my part to contribute to a more eco-friendly and sustainable way of life. Tho I have a looong way to go. We are tackling it one lil baby step at a time.Which brings me to the topic at hand today! Oh and a lil disclaimer alert for any of you guys that might be reading this... it's about to get a lil uncomfortable... BUT WAIT!! DONT LEAVE!! Especially if you have any woman in your life that you love and cherish! I recently learnt that most personal care products such as tampons have been proven to have a group of chemicals found in them called dioxins! Dioxins are byproducts of the bleaching process thats involved in the manufacture of tampons. (I know right?!!! SOOO DEAD) anyway, apparently Dioxins are a big health concern! The World Health Organization calls Dioxins highly toxic AND categorizes them as a known human carcinogen.Now the amount of Dioxins is relatively lower today, compared to back then when all the manufacturers used different bleaching methods. But, nonetheless it is STILL present in tampons today. And the effects of it can be pretty substantial. So much so that a professor of microbiology named Philip Tierno whose research actually helped show that certain super absorbent tampons were the cause of a lot of TSS related deaths. Now what sucks about all of this is that since tampons are technically considered medical devices, there is no labeling required to include ingredients. So for allergens, or chemicals that are linked to cancer or anything else toxic, even if you wanted to avoid them you can't, simply because you can't see them.After reading up on all of this information it definitely got me thinking about what I am personally putting in my body and what I'm encouraging my daughter to put in hers one day. So I started to research some different companies that offer a more safer approach when it came to personal self care hygiene. I can across this company that really stood out to me because it not only offers multiple self care products but there products are good for the earth as well!! Their tampons are made with the safest and best materials so you don't have to even think twice about what your putting into your body. They offer premium and organic tampons that both feature an applicator for easy and more comfy insertion. There aren't any Synthetic fragrances, they are free of harsh chemicals, they're natural and sustainable ingredients, and they are safe for you and the earth. they offer pads as well if you don't like to use tampons (my daughter uses their 100% organic cotton pads)I mean, I have to say it's a win win!! One of the best things about this company is they offer a number of other amazing self care items like daily vitamins and body care which is pretty amazing! They also offer different monthly subscriptions so you can get exactly what you need every month delivered straight to your home. And lastly I really love how their mission is to bring quality body care to all and continue to work with organizations locally and globally to help support woman by providing them with essential daily care!Now we ALL can spend less time researching products and more time actually changing the world!!Check them out by clicking the pic below👇🏾

P.s Pink Lily is currently having a gift guide sale! Take 50% off the gift guide tab! Click pic below to shop!