3 things that help you become a morning person!

Goooooood mooooorning!!! Bwuahahahaha. Ok I cant even tell you how many times I get "I wish I was a morning person like you" on a daily basis on Instagram! And trust me because I am a mom, I KNOW the struggle is more real then the Corona virus ok. Sometimes you just don't want to get up and be productive or do alllll of the things. I have been there. But I can tell you more often then not every👏🏾single👏🏾time I just stay in bed and do nothing. I feel like crap.I will be honest and say I naturally am a morning person. Ive always been one. I don't know, Its just something about a brand new day when you wake up and realize oh wow! Im alive! I woke up with a roof over my head! Im healthy! My family is alive and healthy! I can make me some food to eat! This might sound cliché but it really is a blessing to be able to say these things every day.I also think honestly its all about your mindset in the morning. You can not have a positive morning waking up with a negative attitude. Get out of your own way and change your thinking. When you change your thinking you change your entire life! With this type of thinking I believe anyone can be a morning person, this mindset along with the following 3 things:1. Get up as soon as your alarm goes offEasier said then done right?! What helps me is putting my alarm source in our master bathroom. That way I LITERALLY have to get out of bed to turn off the alarm. By that time... Youre up!2. Practice gratitude & exercise When you wake up with the mindset of: man I get to wake up and make my coffee! Or I get to wake up and use my expensive iphone or Android to check social media! LOL. It really changes your perspective. A 2017 data report states that around 150,000 people die EVERY DAY. To put things even more into perspective lets add Corona virus to it. Im sure you get the picture here. Simply put if you are blessed to open your eyes in the morning, that instantly should make you a morning person.Everyone knows I looove physical activity and working out. (I have been slacking these last few weeks) but nonetheless over all I stay pretty active. I have found that when you exercise which gives you endorphins. Those endorphins make you happy, thus contributing to a great morning!3. Drink coffee, tea or a natural energy drinkCaffeine really does help give you that extra push in the morning. And if you aren't a coffee drinker, try green tea or a energy drink. I absolutely looove This (use code: thisdollhere for 25% off PLUS free shipping) energy multiplier because it is a fast acting natural caffeine that is comparable to 1-2 cups of coffee. Works extremely well and doesn't give you jitters.These 3 basic things have really aided me into being the bubbly, happy and ready to conquer the day type of person you see early mornings on Instagram lol! What type of things do you incorporate in your routine that help you in the mornings? Comment and let me know.Hope you have a happy Tuesday! Thanks for stopping by, until next time...Tiara's up,


4 ideas to contribute to your self-care


Receipe: Steak with Tuscan corn sauté || via Home Chef