Happy new week friends!! Did anyone watch the Super Bowl yesterday? Or catch the halftime show? I'm curious to know what your thoughts are on it?Everyone has a bedtime routine whether they know it or not. Just something that you do basically repeatedly over and over every night. Since the beginning of covid I have found myself doing a few things different compared to my normal bedtime routine in order to contribute to a positive and overall great mindset.
1st I take a nice hot shower using Dove’s relaxing lavender oil chamomile body wash. This stuff is so amazing and leaves your skin feeling so hydrated (especially during the winter months) The chamomile oil relieves dry skin and I don't have to apply lotion after which I really love because I hate having lotion on my skin before I jump in the bed, it makes me feel like I need another shower lol. And the lavender helps aid with relaxation and sleep which I really love!

Then I put my pjs on, Brush my teeth and then wash my face. I use these
Wonder wipes that is like an entire skincare routine in a single wipe and it's part of the clean beauty category! I always double cleanse so Once I wipe my makeup off with the wipe I take this
Pre-cleanse oil to get any residual makeup off and wash off with a towel. Once that is done I continue with my full skincare routine for night time. You can read the full blog post about it

Next up I always make a cup of my fave
Sleepy time tea which has chamomile as one of its ingredients. Now in case you haven't noticed I love using any and everything that Aid's in putting you to sleep. LOL. Once that's made I fill up a water tumbler with fresh water so I have some if I'm thirsty during the night. Put on my nightstand and Put on
this lip conditioning oil (sooo amazing and moisturizing) and get in bed! Once I'm all settled, I usually read my Bible for at least 15-20 min or until I finish my tea. I have found I have the best sleep when I do this instead of watching the news before bed. It provides a positive and comforting mindset so I sleep well and feel well rested in the morning.I feel like if I skip any of these steps I can't go to bed lol. Am I crazy or do you feel the same about any routine you are used to doing? Comment and Let me know.Until next time...Tiara's up,