The art of Selfcare Series || Part 2: 5 tips to improve your emotional health

Emotional Self Care
As a woman, it’s your responsibility to take care of yourself at all times, physically and emotionally.
Although it may not always seem like it, if you don’t, you will see the effects in your overall well-
Emotional Self-care is being aware of your emotions, identifying those emotions and
allowing yourself to lean into them in a way that honors you and how you feel. It's essential to
have positive coping skills to deal with uncomfortable emotions, like anger, anxiety, and
We can try to ignore, deny, and suppress our emotions, but eventually they come out, one way
or another.
Our ability to regulate our emotions and cope with difficult feelings as they arise is vital to our
happiness and overall quality of life. That’s why emotional self-care—the actions we take to
connect with our emotions and process them in a healthy way—is SO important.
By committing to emotional self-care, you’ll be developing healthy coping mechanisms that
vastly increase your happiness and sense of well-being. In order to begin caring for your
emotional health, you must first notice the negative self-talk that you engage in. The next step
is to replace that negative self-talk with words that are positive and encouraging.
"But what exactly does that look like?"
Here are 5 easy ways to contribute to your EMOTIONAL SELFCARE:
1.Journaling- Super helpful in self discovery and helping you bring to surface your feelings. I send weekly newsletters on Sunday that include 2 journal prompts for the week, so make sure you are subscribed!
(You can also check out our Balance notebook journal specifically designed to help create balance in your every day life HERE)<---- Use code: selfcarequeen10 for discount
2.Talking to a health coach/ life coach, therapist, spiritual mentor, or other counselor can give you the clarity you need. (Schedule your FREE clarity call HERE)
3. Utilizing affirmations or mantras (Every day, Monday -Friday I upload a positive affirmation
on the home page of my blog HERE)
4. Meditation- Meditating can be super helpful and therapeutic
5. Practicing Gratitude- Total life changer! Focus on 1 thing you are grateful for every morning
when you wake up. This will help set the tone for a more grateful day. (check out our guided
gratitude journal HERE)<---- Use code: selfcarequeen10 for discount
*You can also check out the post on 3 ways I practice gratitude HERE
Remember, there are many different ways to practice emotional self-care; what works for one